Monday, July 20, 2009

Trying to think positive thoughts...

...when the office network has been down all day and I haven't been able to be as productive as I wanted, and needed, to be and...

...when our IT-department tells us they have no idea when the network will be up and running again as they still haven't been able to identify where things go wrong and...

...when a colleague I really need answers from is on vacation for another three weeks and...

...when the new coffee making person at work forgets to heat up water for my tea for the seventyeleventh time and...

...when the sky is all covered by clouds, there's a high risk of rain during the afternoon, and I'm walking home today wearing a skirt and...

...when my runner's shoes give me sore heels as I forgot to put socks on this morning before going to work and...

...when I'm tired after a night of waking up once every hour to check what time it is before going back to sleep again and...

...when it's Monday...

I want to go home and hide out. Under a blanket. With my cats close by.


iKate said...

All I can say is this: KRAM!

Diet Coke Mom said...

Hugs to you!

Annas garndrömmar said...

Usch då, en sån dag... Hoppas allt känns lite bättre innan dagen är över iallafall. Ta fram nåt fint garn och klappa eller nåt :) Kram!

Anonymous said...

The universe is changing by the minute...this will soon pass.


florencemary said...

Oh dear, Anna, I can understand now why you want to escape 'with immediate effect' to the cottage in Donegal!

Most of these negative things are out of your hands, so try not to stress! X