Sunday, September 6, 2009

Here it is: Anna's anniversary give away

Last week I posted my 300th post and celebrated my 2nd blog anniversary here on Anna's Corner of the World.

I decided to make that a reason for a give away.

Thinking about what I wanted to offer as a prize, I tried to find something that would suit most of my readers. I know some of you are crafters and some aren't. Some are Swedish but most of you aren't. I decided to give you a choice...

First choice:
A $40 order in any Etsy-shop with an owner willing to agree to letting me pay for your order. My favourite Etsy-shops are: weeones (fantastic stitch markers in clay), littleputbooks (pendants and lovely photo blocks) and unaodd (pendants). There are numerous gifted women and men over at Etsy!!! (Note that this prize has its limits as the seller has to agree to me paying for the order. I haven't made arrangements with anyone.)

Second choice:
A mystery package of either yarn, fabric or beads to a value of $40. I will get you something that I think suits you! If this is the winning prize, I expect the winner to tell me a little about themselves so I can pick yarn or fabric that I think is right for them. If you ask for green, I'll try to get you green. But I won't "take orders" as this is a mystery package!

Third choice:
A mystery package of books to a value of $40. I'll get you something I think you'll like! I'll expect to get some ideas from you (used or new books, in Swedish or English, crime or romance, fiction or craft, or what ever) but I won't take orders... You might end up with books from an author you've never heard off. I might get you something you're not expecting. Just for the kick of it.

Boring but important stuff:
This give away is open world wide. I'll ship your prize out to any address you provide.

I need some contact information to be able to reach you if you end up being the (a) winner. If I don't know you in person, please add your email address or post where your blog is so I can find you.

The prize might end up going through my home where two cats live. If you're allergic to cats or if cat hair disgust you, please keep this in mind before entering.

How to enter:
Tell me (in a comment) in what order you would pick the prizes. You can add all three choices or stick to just one. This way, you won't end up with something you don't really want...

I also want you to tell me about something you do to pick yourself up when you're tired, gloomy or sad. Is there a certain book you read? Do you go out for a walk? Grab yarn and needles? Turn on the TV? What do you do to pick yourself up???

If you post about this give away in your blog or on a forum and come back and tell me where I can find the information, you're automatically in for two chances to win.

Entries will be accepted 'til September 13th. Winner (or winners - I haven't decided yet) will be announced here one or two days later.

So, go over to the comments and tell me what prize(s) you'd like to win and what you do to pick yourself up!!!


Carrie at Rhubarb Sky said...

I'd be into the Etsy prize. . . seems the most versatile and easy since I'm so far away from you.

In High School, a teacher once pulled out a big manila envelope from his desk drawer. It was labeled "uppers". He told us that whenever he was feeling frustrated or sad, or down, he'd reach into that envelope and pull something out. Whenever he got a card or a note from a student that had kind words for him, he put it in his "uppers" envelope. I've practiced this ever since then. I have a real envelope and a "virtual" envelope (a folder in my e-mail) of kind words and things that make me feel good. It's a nice thing to dive into on a rough day.

This is an incredibly generous give away Anna. . . thanks for letting me participate!

Pikku- Kettu said...

Congrats on the blogiversary!

I'm really intrigued by the book prize. I'm always looking for new authors and books to read. :)

Stick-smurf said...

Jag vill ju vinna Etsy-priset så klart =) Etsy är underbart och totalt beroendeframkallande.

Ses på torsdag!


ikkinlala said...

Congratulations on the milestones!

I'd pick the second choice (specifically the yarn, because even though I like fabric and beads it's yarn I go through really quickly) first, because I love yarn and I enjoy surprises. I'd pick the first choice second (and I'd probably look for a shop that has yarn, or at least something knitting-related). I'd pick the third choice third (not because I don't love reading, but because my local library doesn't lend yarn. You'd think they'd do something about that).

As for what I do to pick myself up, knitting, after the previous paragraph, seems like the obvious answer. I also love music, and to pick myself up I choose some fun music (a recent favourite is Corb Lund) and dance to it. Or I read Calvin and Hobbes cartoons.

Anonymous said...

Vilka fantastiska presenter! Jag får massiv ångest och kan inte välja mellan garn eller etsy. Men jag tror det får bli garn, för det kan jag inte leva utan. Etsy är ju mest en bonus i livet, garn är ett måste ;o).

Om livet känns jobbigt så ringer jag till min syster så kan vi kräka av oss och komma fram till att vi är bäst och alla andra har fel... Annars är andra bra saker i livet stickning och träning, det får mig alltid på bra humör.

Annas garndrömmar said...

Fantastiskt generöst av dig!

Jag skulle vilja ha garn/tyg-alternativet eftersom jag är så nyfiken på vad du skulle plocka ihop till mig ;)

Beroende på vilket slags humör jag är på behöver jag olika saker för att må bättre. Men många gånger handlar det om att bli lugn i kroppen och sinnet för att hitta tillbaka till mig själv igen. För många år sen när jag gick på silversmide gjorde jag ett smycke som är som en kapsel och där jag på insidan stämplade in ordet "stillhet" - och det är det jag behöver om det bara blir för mycket. Det kan innebära en lång promenad en fin höstdag eller att få sitta och sticka utan att bli avbruten i mina inre tankebanor; men också sådant som körsång kan få mig riktigt riktigt på topp!

Kerstin said...

Böckerna. Och gärna sådana du väljer. Jag skulle vilja bli överraskad! Se'n garnet. Du känner mig, så du skulle nog kunna hitta något som skulle passa (har du använt det bruna entrådiga från VikanGarn än;-)).

Vad jag gör för att pigga upp mig? Högt upp på listan står stickcaféer hos Carina. Men det är lite långt från Halmstad dit.... Och inte närsomhelst heller. Promenader och bus med taxen är inte dumt. En god bok och ett glas vin, kanske. Eller en stickning och ett glas vin. Men absolut bäst fungerar nog att plocka fram papper och färger och sätta sig någonstans och måla.

Kerstin, numer i Halmstad.

Tricia said...

Wow 300 posts in 2 years....Congrats! I'm so glad I found your blog when I first started my blog. I've loved reading your posts and following your progress on the 101 things. I wish you many more happy posts! I would be interested in any of the prizes but to pick one it would be a mystery package of fabric from you!

As for something I do to pick me up...I usually just relax on the couch watching tv, take the dogs for a walk, or clean. Cleaning makes me feel alot better sometimes. Weird huh?

Kitten With a Whiplash said...

Congratulations on the anniversary and 300 posts. I love your photographs. By the way, do you have Giovanna's number? I'd like to ask her if I'm going to win this giveaway!

I would choose the Etsy option first but I might mix it with choice # two. I'd maybe ask for one thing specifically, like some spinning fiber, then have you surprise me with the rest.

When I want a pick-me-up, I do something that takes me back to childhood. Read a comic book, color a picture, watch cartoons. Just plain mindless fun for a few minutes.

Thanks for hosting a generous and fun giveaway.

Pernilla said...

Vilka fantastiska priser. Klart man vill försöka vinna. I första hand vill jag ha garnpaket, i andra hand bokpaket.
När jag känner mig nere brukar en lång promenad hjälpa. Det rensar hjärnan från allt negativt. Att sätta sig med en lagom utmanande stickning eller bara klappa lite garn funkar också.

Lisa (JeepGirl) said...

Hi Anna!

I guess I would choose in the order you posted them!!!

When I'm down or in need of a pick me up - I tend to remind myself that my problems are very small in comparison to other's problems. It helps me to realize that no matter what, I'm a very lucky person.


ekittie said...

I'd probably go for the prizes in the order you listed. Although, you have a GREAT taste in fabrics, so that might be first. But, I don't really sew or use fabric, so then again... I don't know! :rofl:

For a pick-me-up, either a walk in the park, or venting to someone. I usually go for the walk first though, as it gets me out of the house and sunlight is good and the trees are good and nature is good and it helps me put things into perspective. Plus, then no one has to listen to my whining. :teehee:

:kram: :hug: :kram:

beck said...

Congrats! I would be interested in either yarn or the Etsy prize. As a pick me up I knit, knit knit (green things in particular).

Kim said...

I've been so busy that I almost missed entering this fabulous giveaway. What a clever way to reward us for reading your interesting blog.

I would choose the second option because my favorite days are the ones where surprises arrive in the mail. It also amazes me at how perfect gifts are when you've only 'met' the person via blog - oftentimes I've received the perfect surprise and not have even know it would be perfect for me. I love fabric and yarn and beads and have been mulling around a plan to incorporate all into a little project.

To chase away the blues, I head over to my LYS (which, thankfully, is only a hop,skip, and jump away) to grab some stitching time with my buddies

essjay said...

The order I'd pick the prizes is Second Choice, First Choice, Third Choice.

When I'm gloomy (and the weather is right) I find that taking my dogs to the park is the biggest pick me up. It took me a while to realize that it had that affect on me but there is something about watching them run around having such a great time that makes me feel better. Of course the walk and fresh air probably help, but seeing them be happy & free really helps me. If the weather is not conducive for a trip to the park then generally I'll sit on the couch & knit with a puppy on either side.

I'm in awe of your 300 posts in 2 years...I haven't posted since mid-June - I don't know how you keep up with it but I'm glad you do! I love reading your blog & seeing your photographs!

Annelie said...

Man får gratulera!

Jag kan nog inte riktigt välja mellan Etsy eller något hop-plock av dig. Så jag lämnar det helt enkelt öppet. Har i och för sig aldrig shoppat på Etsy så kanske har det alternativet trots allt ett litet försprång.

Anonymous said...

Hej Anna! I would pick the prizes in the order you posted.

For a pick me up I look at the journal Julie sent me with my gift from everyone a while back. I used it to write down all the blessings I have received in the past few months. Looking at everything that has happened and thinking about all the people I love and that love me is an instant pick-me-up.

Congrats on 2 years of bloggy goodness! :hjarta:

iKate said...

Anna! Happy Blogiversary!! 300 posts is QUITE an accomplishment. :KRAM:

Hmmm...I have several things I do for a pick-me-up (including the simplicity of a really good hug), but my absolute guaranteed, no fail, always makes me happy thing has a name--Molly. Molly is my parents' dog. Growing up, my brother, sister, and I always wanted a dog, and never got one. Then, when we moved out of the house, went away to university, etc. they finally got a dog! So I act like she's my dog, even though she technically belongs to my parents.

She never fails to make me smile. Her tail is always wagging, and she's always happy to see me. Spending time with her always makes me feel better. :)

As for the giveaway...I'd vote for the Yarn package or the Etsy gift certificate. I haven't been feeling super 'crafty' lately, so hopefully that would help me get inspired! :kram:

Trudy said...

HI Anna--since I haven't been able to order ANYTHING lately, I'd go for anything, I love to read and pendants sound lovely--and always yarn is a MUST!

I get down a lot, having Fibromyalgia and CFS--frankly reading blogs and reading the Bible is what makes me feel better. I read the online Bible a lot, and I love reading blogs and keeping up with Facebook, cause I can't get out as often as I used to!

Hope you're doing well!
ps--check my blog at put me in for 2 entries!

Kate said...

Hi there... I discovered your blog from your friend Geek Knitter. :)

Would it be a cheat to say I'd let you pick any of the three? I thought Etsy, because I have something in mind (but it's just over), then I thought 2 (because a surprise yarn thing seems fascinating), then I thought oh, three, because I'd like some Swedish mystery books. If I have to choose (dang)... two. I think. :)

Nothing makes me happier than going to Stump Beach in Northern California. But that is a bit of an undertaking. I also find incredible peace in water. Planning the "perfect" bubble bath lifts my spirits. My partner says I "flap" my feet when I'm really content and that I do it all the time when I'm knitting (unless I'm messing up).
Thank you and congrats.

jeaniebabb said...

Yarn and beads are fabulous! Of course, as usual, I find out about things like this a day late! I think it is wonderful you have been blogging for two years. I don't know if anyone would care to know what I have to say for that long. When I need to be "picked up" (and even when I don't ;-})I start an audio book and a new knitting pattern. I am just starting to try designing my own patterns after knitting for 50 years. Maybe I need to try blogging as well!