Thursday, October 11, 2007

The stiff blob

I haven't been practising my yoga much these last couple of weeks. I have to admit to feeling like a stiff blob. I feel tensions in my body and don't feel very relaxed. My body feels big and heavy. And I feel weak.

During spring and summer I went to the gym and practised at least twice a week. Now for several weeks in a row, I've been there once a week. They shifted the classes around a bit compared to the schedule they had before the summer and with buying a house and having to go to the bank and doing house inspections on "yoga days"... Well, less time for me in the gym...

I sometimes do a yoga routine at home in the morning before getting myself ready for work. But I admit to not being as regular as I probably should be to keep my body relaxed and free from tension. My lazy self convinces me that it's much better to stay in bed for another twenty minutes and then take a long hot shower to wake up slowly...

Have been thinking about asking boyfriend to kick me out of bed on Mondays and Wednesdays so I don't have any excuse not to do my routine. I'm sure he'd love to help! :)

It's just so stupid of me as I know I enjoy doing the exercise when I'm actually at it...

1 comment:

essjay said...

If only motivation came in bottles....I know I'd be a different person! Hopefully you can get back into a regular schedule of yoga soon!