Thursday, November 1, 2007

Wanted: Swahili help

As some of you know, I studied Swahili for a while. Way back. I took evening classes and really enjoyed learning the language. Then I got too much to do in University and couldn't keep up with my language studies as well as passing the exams that were supposed to help me financially...

A couple of years ago, I bought myself a Teach yourself Swahili-book and intended to go through it on my own. I did a couple of chapters and it felt good to have the words and the language structure slowly coming back to me. But then I got into the same situation/feeling/phase that happened before. It was hard keeping it up as I didn't have anyone to practise with. I don't know anyone who speaks Swahili.

Last year I bought myself a Swahili grammar book as I thought I'd get in touch with someone who could help me with my Swahili. (I enrolled in a program that would set me up with someone from another country wanting to get to know someone from Sweden. I requested to get partnered up with someone who knew Swahili...) That didn't work out for various reasons. And I haven't opened that grammar book more than twice since I bought it...

So, here's my question: Do you speak Swahili? Or do you know anyone who does? Would you (or the person you know) be interested in being my Swahili pep person, helping me out with keeping my language up? (Or as it is now; getting back into it...) I'd like to have someone to ask when I stumble on something I don't understand, I'd love to be able to practise with someone, I'd like to have someone kicking me back to my books...

Oh, and another question... Sorry about that. Do you have any ideas on how to keep up a language that you're not using actively? Any tips and/or tricks? I've been eyeing evening classes again but find them very expensive and I also find it difficult to decide what level I'm on as I have the basic knowledge of words and grammar but lack in an active vocabulary.

I'd be very grateful for any feedback.


essjay said...

I wish I could help - best of luck!

Anonymous said...

Suggestion: listen to Swahili music and try to learn the will help you better absorb the grammar.

Kate said...

I wish I had some suggestions. I LOVE foreign languages--I wish I could keep up my French, and even learn some others, too. What makes me sad is when I remember the summer I spent in Quebec. That was probably as close to fluent as I've ever been. It's pathetic how rusty I am now! But, c'est la vie, I suppose. Bonne chance!!

Now that I'm thinking about foreign languages, maybe I could learn some Swedish from you--all I know so far is kram. :teehee: