Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Getting to know me - 2

Tomorrow I'm going out of town again for work. I usually try to go by train when I'm being sent off to other cities, but this time I need to fly. Going by land would have taken way too long. Both for me and the company I work for...

So, as not to stress me out too much tomorrow when I have about a zillion things to take care of before going to the airport, I thought I'd post the second round of "Getting to know me".

This week's question is number 232:

What do you enjoy doing, even consider fun, that most other people regard as hard work?

Oh, a lot of different things come to mind. First I think I'd have to say knitting. Yes, I know that most readers of this blog are knitters themselves, but still. Most people in the world do not knit. And a lot of them think knitting is hard work.

Secondly, me biking to work instead of driving. I think it's silly as it only takes me about ten minutes to bike to work, but I guess some people love their cars. Especially when it rains...

Thirdly, I use my English every day. Not just by listening to it on TV, but I read and write something in English every day. Most of my Swedish friends don't do that. (And if I should admit to something slightly embarrassing, I also talk to myself in English almost every day...)

Fourthly, I always loved calculus, trigonometry and algebra. When I was in school and in university, I could spend hours working on algebra equations and totally forget things around me. I still get warm on the inside thinking about the joy of simplifying a difficult expression by using different rules of algebra and trigonometry. Nowadays, I hardly ever have to use that knowledge... (But I was happy last week to tell boyfriend that I could design his storage idea for the garage by taking some measurements of the sloping ceiling and use my trigonometry skills to work out everything he needed.)


Wanna play along with me? Please do!!! Either tell me your answer in a comment or make a post in your own blog. (If you do the latter, please let me know so I don't miss your answer!


Anonymous said...

For me, teaching fitness classes falls under this category...I get paid to do it, but it does not feel like work at all.


Jessica said...

Cleaning windows =) I just love it! Thats why all my friends and relatives call me up when they need help with that. I am so glad to do such a hard thing and all I need is some Vivaldi played in the background. I clean my own windows three times a year just because I enjoy it so much =) I am stupied I know, but I like to be able to look out the window again with a "new view" everytime I have cleaned it. And I also love to work with glas (fusing) although I cut my self and bleeds everytime because it is so sharp. Jessica.

Mona said...

Å! Jag är också barnsligt förtjust i matematiska formler! Matten i gymnasiet var ju så rolig! Framför allt uppskattar jag att hitta egna vägar till det rätta svaret. Hjälpte min pappa med att räkna ut en massa när han gjorde om källaren hemma. Han hade redan köpt en massa virke, men med mina uträkningar kunde han lämna tillbaka rätt mycket. Tyvärr har jag glömt en hel del, det är ju så mycket man aldrig använder, men jag tror att jag rätt lätt kan väcka gamla minnen och kunskaper till liv.

Sen är det ju bara så att jag älskar mitt jobb. När det är som mest stressigt, när man får bita ihop och fokusera. Samla in materialet och utforma det. Ah... Jag är verkligen lyckligt lottad Anna.

Och fortsätt med ”Getting to know me”. Det är verkligen en rolig och upplysande aktivitet för oss alla.

florencemary said...

What interesting questions you're asking, Anna!

I'm very interested in grammar, in a pedantic way; I can't help myself correcting someone's grammar.

I love walking uphill. Lots of walkers that I know that like walking, still hate walking uphill.

Interesting that you love algebra, etc. Someone who taught me statistics on my Master's degree said that numbers were like 'music' to him; I'm afraid that I must have had a totally different taste in music!

Gudinnan said...

Oj, matte har inte varit min starka sida inte! Miniräknaren är min bästa vän i mitt arbete :-)

Själv gillar jag att tvätta och är något av en tvätt-faschist hemma. Domderar och tycker att det ska göras på rätt (läs mitt) sätt för bästa resultat.
Jag är också duktig på att göra budgetar hemma och vi har noggranna kalkyler som visar på vilka inkomster och utgifter vi har och hur vi fördelar dem (möjlig yrkesskada men jag vill känna att jag har stenkoll på vår ekonomi)