Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Worried (- continued)

Well, I came home for lunch to find Skorpan worse than he was when I left in the morning. He hid from me. And wouldn't let me stroke him. He hadn't touched the litter box, the water or the food. I tried to feed him but he just spit it out.

His heart was beating real fast and he was sort of hissing when breathing. His ears were warm.

I took him to the vet on an emergency appointment and they decided to keep him overnight. We X-rayed him when I was there and the vet suspects that something might be stuck in his stomach or bowels.... Skorpan is notorius when it comes to eating things he shouldn't touch... It can also be some kind of poisoning. The vet didn't think it was a virus as he seemed fine yesterday and viruses normally "sneak up on you" when it comes to symptoms.

Please hold your thumbs for him. (And for me getting some sleep tonight knowing that he's all alone and scared in the vet's clinic...)


Linda said...

I hope he gets better soon, its so hard when they can't tell you what is wrong. At least he is at the vets. x

Anonymous said...

He'll be ok, Anna...in the meantime, be sure to get some rest so that you'll be ready to take care of him when he returns.

Stiney said...

:hug: I hope he's OK soon.

Anonymous said...

Get well soon, pretty kitty Skorpan :o)x

ekittie said...

Oh, poor Skorpan. :kram:

Lisa (JeepGirl) said...

Don't worry Anna, he's in good care. They'll figure out what it is and make him all better.

Anonymous said...

Jag hoppas verkligen att Skorpan börjar må bättre. Det är inte roligt när ens katter är sjuka. Man känner sig så maktlös. Ta hand om dig så gott det går så länge och skriv gärna hur det går. Hälsn. Jessica

Gudinnan said...

Ojoj, lilla Skorpan! Hoppas verkligen att du får svar snart och att det går att fixa! Katter är ganska tåliga djur har jag märkt så de kan förvåna en med vad de klarar av :-) Kram!

Anonymous said...

Best wishes to Skorpan from another knitter fond of cats :-)